Aquarium Water Conditioner with Essential Minerals and Salts


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OZPOLISH H2O contains essential minerals, natural salts and water softening agent, meant for aquarium purpose only. Essential minerals are required for general health and immunity of fishes and other aquatic lives, whereas salts are electrolytes that keep them active. Though water mineralization does increase the TDS, it is actually because of essentials, and not because of pollutants or contaminants. Of course this is good, because it helps mimic the aquarium water like the natural water that mineralized while flowing through rivers and streams.

  • Replenish the essential minerals and salts in old aquarium water. Aquarium water losses essential minerals when water is not changed for more than a week.
  • When used weekly the plants, fishes and other water lives stay healthy because of the supply of required minerals & salts. Fishes often die due to lack of these minerals or salts in the water.
  • Keeps the water soft by reducing the general hardness. As usually believed, it is not correct that soft water will necessarily have low TDS.
  • Regular usage could help clean the calcium deposition on aquarium walls and equipments. This, thus help in increasing the life of aquarium equipment too.

Disturbing fact is that in found of clean tank water we filter-out many essential minerals from water, which has adverse effect on the aquatic lives.

Why can’t fishes live in Distilled Water (no TDS)? In hobby, aquarists may baffle on the optimal water quality. For all the concerns, no wonder, identified should be the top Solutions!

  • Water Solution# 1. Nature WaterOZPOLISH H2O has selected minerals and salts that is needed for fish health & immunity and for aquarium sustenance between periods of water changes. Though this increases the TDS, it helps mimic the mineral water that flows thru rivers and streams. This is done by restoring the electrolytes in the water. Increased TDS due to essentials, is not bad!
  • Water Solution# 2. Pollution FreeOZPOLISH H2O removes the contaminants, including heavy metals, without any expensive or complex filtration. It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria. Good for underwater flora, fauna and microbes!
  • Water Solution# 3. Soft WaterOZPOLISH H2O has a safe Active Agent to reduce the calcium and magnesium deposition on glasses, equipment and plumbing. Regular usage could make glass clear and extend the equipment’s life. Makes inside aquarium clear vision!
  • Water Solution# 4. Low CostOZPOLISH H2O helps in reducing the aquarium maintenance cost, time & effort to the lowest possible; and saves the water. Light on money, easy on hobby!
  • Usage – Sprinkle on the aquarium water.
  • Instruction – 1 spoon in every 200 litres of water weekly and at the time of water change. Proportionately adjust for less or more water. The dose is recommended with a consideration of the ‘All Fish to Water Surface Area’ Ratio of 1:7. The best way to add it to any tank is to follow the dosage instructions. It is generally recommended to use RO water that has a TDS of 60ppm or less. Also, too much of it can increase the TDS beyond 200 points. Though not to worry even if the underground water is used. It can still be used to fortify essential salts and minerals, neutralize dissolved impurities, and keep the water relatively soft.
  • Precautions– DO NOT OVERDOSE. Overdose will not give more or fast results. Overdose could raise the TDS high.
  • Storage– Keep in cool, dry & dark place. Do not refrigerate. Keep away from children.
  • NOTE: The product include 180g (was 100g) of OZPOLISH H2O.

*Made in India.

Happy Fishkeeping!! cause people would wonder why they can’t tank like you!

There could be various reasons why usually fishes won’t survive longer in a captive enclosure like aquariums and artificial ponds. There could be various reasons for this. A newly bought fish could carry diseases to the primary tank. Water parameters could be yet another reason for unhappy fishes. This could also be due to presence of chlorine or any other contaminants in the water, or even due to the lack of essential minerals and salts. Studies have shown that the high BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) may alert the water chemistry or even may suffocate a fish. Unstable water parameters may cause algae invasion inside a tank.

With fishkeeping challenges in there, the OZPOLISH line if products could be the simple known solution to take-up or continue the hobby or profession. The objective is to keep as simple as following a set of instructions, so that even beginner can have an aquarium that looks like a professionally managed one.



There could be various reasons why usually fishes won’t survive longer in a captive enclosure like aquariums and artificial ponds. There could be various reasons for this. A newly bought fish could carry diseases to the primary tank. Water parameters could be yet another reason for unhappy fishes. This could also be due to presence of chlorine or any other contaminants in the water, or even due to the lack of essential minerals and salts. Studies have shown that the high BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) may alert the water chemistry or even may suffocate a fish. Unstable water parameters may cause algae invasion inside a tank.

With challenges in there , the OZPOLISH line if products could be the simple known solution to take-up or continue fishkeeping as the hobby. The objective is to keep as simple as following a set of instructions, so that even beginner can have an aquarium that looks like a professionally managed one.





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